Find recommended websites, downloads, and videos from reliable sources.
Fall Literacy Screener Now Available!
Check out our latest FREE literacy screener for grades 3-12! The Adolescent Assessment of Literacy (AAL) is an online adaptive screener developed by NCIL to be used during the fall semester. Follow the link below to learn more and access the screener.
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 9, Adolescent Literacy, Audience, General Literacy, Parents and Families, Primary, Resource Type, Schools and Districts, Tool, Topic -
Reading 101 for Parents: Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
Reading Rockets
This website highlights phonological and phonemic awareness in early literacy development and offers practical tips and activities for parents to support their children in developing these essential skills for literacy success.
Dyslexia at School
University of Michigan
Shows the importance of eucators getting children evaluated if they show early stages of a learning disability. Also explains the effects that learning disabilities can have on a child social and acaddemic development.
Reading Tips for Parents of Third Graders
Reading Rockets
The webpage offers valuable reading tips for parents of third graders through supporting independent reading habits, expanding vocabulary through varied literature, and encouraging critical thinking through discussions about reading content.
Books to Get Kids Reading
Dyslexia Help
Resources to encourage dyslexic children to read in areas of interest.
Reading 101 for Parents: Phonics and Decoding
Reading Rockets
This website discusses the importance of phonics and decoding skills in early literacy education. This site shares effective strategies for parents in guiding their children in phonics and decoding learning.
Monitoring for Undertsaning: Make and Check A prediction
Florida Center for Reading Research
Provides a worksheet with instruction about how to actively read with kids. Shows steps and way that you can engage conversation to check comprehension and literacy skills.
Being Bilingual Is a Superpower: Tips to Support Language and Literacy at Home
Reading Rockets
This video shares ways parents can support their children to view bi/multilingualism as a strength. Some of the advice they share include: speak to them in their home language, share stories and songs in their home language, listen to your child read out loud and talk about their meanings.
Intensive Intervention in Reading Course: Module 7 Overview
National Center on Intensive Intervention
A workshop to provide strategies on how to adapt comprehension instruction to improve instructional modeling, provide practice opportunities, elicit frequent responses, and give effective feedback. Included slides and handbooks and worksheets with activities.
Reading 101 for Parents: Fluency
Reading Rockets
This webpage discusses fluency in reading and its crucial role in successful literacy development. It provides insights into the significance of fluency, while offering practical tips for parents to help improve their child’s reading fluency.
Interventions for Struggling Readers
Doing What Works
A video that provides an overview of interventions that can be taken to help aid those who are struggling with reading. Shows different levels of interventions based on individual needs of each kid.
Examining Student Reading Achievement in the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum
Florida Center for Reading Research
A research snapshot that examines if reading scores differ for students in schools using the Heggerty program compared students in schools using their typical reading instruction.
Activity: Word Identification Fluency – José
The Iris Center
An activity to identify student’s word fluency. Included the rule to press “1” if the word is read correctly, press “0” if the word is read incorrectly. The dialects and accents should be considered as well.
Reading 101 for Parents: Vocabulary
Reading Rockets
This webpage discusses the importance of vocabulary development in reading comprehension and overall literacy skills. It provides insights into ways parents can actively support their child’s vocabulary growth.
Preschool Language and Literacy
Doing What Works
A diagram that shows effective ways to prepare students for sucess in literacy development. The two suggest ways is through manipulation of sound and interactive engagement in child reading.
Beyond the Books: Tips to Get Your Child to Read More
Florida Center for Reading Research
This infographic provides tips for your child to read more.
What do teachers need to know about young dual language learners with disabilities?
The Iris Center
A webpage to introduce measures and pratices that can help teachers to distinguish whether a child has a developmental delay or disability and collect their learning process in language learning. Included five strategies designed to address common issues.
Reading 101 for Parents: Comprehension
Reading Rockets
This webpage discusses the role of comprehension in reading, and offers insights into various strategies for parents to help to improve a child’s comprehension skills.
User Guide for Sample Reading Lessons
National Center on Intensive Intervention
A pdf that provides examples of readin lessons for educators to use to achieve the best outcome in childs literacy.
Academic Assessment, Instruction, and Intervention for English Learners
Center on Technology and Disability
Resources aimed to support English learners (ELs) with individualized instruction that cover general instructional practices, MTSS, special education considerations, implementation strategies, and support for family involvement.