Find recommended websites, downloads, and videos from reliable sources.
Shared Reading in the Structured Literacy Era
Reading Rockets
A webpage provide clarification on how to promote shared reading in the structured literacy era and how that differs from shared reading in the balanced literacy era. Included the transcription of an interview.
Typical Reading Development
Reading Rockets
This website provides a comprehensive overview of the stages of reading from infancy to early adolescence, while emphasizing key milestones such as language development and letter recognition. It also offers practical tips for parents and educators to support children’s reading skills at various stages.
Learn about Dyslexia
Dyslexia Help
Guide for parents to help understand what dyslexia is, how it is diagnosed, and what to expect in a treatment program.
Reading Tips for Parents of Kindergartners
Reading Rockets
The webpage presents reading tips tailored for parents of kindergartners. It provides advice on selecting suitable books, encouraging active reading participation, and reinforcing literacy through various activities, with a main goal of enhancing language development and fostering positive attitudes towards reading in kindergartners. Available for download as a PDF.
The Impact of a Diverse Classroom Library
Reading Rockets
This study reveals that increasing access to diverse books in the classroom environment increases the amount of time that children spend reading, and positively impacts students’ reading scores.
How Most Children Learn to Read
Reading Rockets
This website outlines the process of reading acquisition in children through everyday play and interaction, and discusses the essential components of reading while still acknowledging the individual variability in learning styles and paces. It also provides insights for parents and educators on creating a supportive reading environment and fostering a love for reading in children.
Apps for Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities
Dyslexia Help
Organized list of apps that may be helpful to individuals with dyslexia, parents of dyslexics, or the professionals who work with dyslexics.
Reading Tips for Parents of First Graders
Reading Rockets
The webpage offers targeted reading tips for parents of first-graders. It provides guidance on book selection, comprehension, and maintaining a supportive reading environment to further develop language skills and instill a continued enthusiasm for reading in first-grade children.
Reading Reform Across America: A Survey of State Legislation
Reading Rockets
The report discusses the efforts of states to improve reading instruction, focusing on legislation enacted between 2019 and 2022. The report emphasizes the importance of aligning with evidence-based principles with scientific research to bridge the gap between reading research and practice.
What Is Scientifically Based Reading Research?
Reading Rockets
This website emphasizes the significance of research-backed methods in teaching reading. Explains how evidence-based practices are effective in fostering literacy skills and provides guidance for educators and parents to make informed decisions based on scientific research.
The ABCs of active reading
Reading Rockets
A video that discusses how to actively enagage with young kids while reading to optimize early literacy development. Provides an easy ABC reading which involves asking about the reading, building vocabulary, and connecting to kids worlds.
Reading Tips for Parents of Second Graders
Reading Rockets
The webpage provides specialized reading tips for parents of second-graders by incorporating engaging activities, supporting comprehension through discussions, and creating an overall supportive learning enviorment.
Differences in Parent-Toddler Interactions With Electronic Versus Print Books
Reading Rockets
Researchers examined parent-toddler verbal and nonverbal interactions when reading electronic versus print books. Results revealed that reading print books together generated more verbalizations about the story from parents and from toddlers.
Reading 101 for Parents: Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
Reading Rockets
This website highlights phonological and phonemic awareness in early literacy development and offers practical tips and activities for parents to support their children in developing these essential skills for literacy success.
Dyslexia at School
University of Michigan
Shows the importance of eucators getting children evaluated if they show early stages of a learning disability. Also explains the effects that learning disabilities can have on a child social and acaddemic development.
Reading Tips for Parents of Third Graders
Reading Rockets
The webpage offers valuable reading tips for parents of third graders through supporting independent reading habits, expanding vocabulary through varied literature, and encouraging critical thinking through discussions about reading content.
Books to Get Kids Reading
Dyslexia Help
Resources to encourage dyslexic children to read in areas of interest.
Reading 101 for Parents: Phonics and Decoding
Reading Rockets
This website discusses the importance of phonics and decoding skills in early literacy education. This site shares effective strategies for parents in guiding their children in phonics and decoding learning.
Monitoring for Undertsaning: Make and Check A prediction
Florida Center for Reading Research
Provides a worksheet with instruction about how to actively read with kids. Shows steps and way that you can engage conversation to check comprehension and literacy skills.
Being Bilingual Is a Superpower: Tips to Support Language and Literacy at Home
Reading Rockets
This video shares ways parents can support their children to view bi/multilingualism as a strength. Some of the advice they share include: speak to them in their home language, share stories and songs in their home language, listen to your child read out loud and talk about their meanings.