• Hey That’s My Monster read by Lily Tomlin

    Hey That’s My Monster read by Lily Tomlin cover image

    Hey That’s My Monster read by Lily Tomlin

    Source: Storyline Online

    Author: Not available

    Ages: 6,7,8

    Genre: Not available

    Theme(s): Bedtime, Sibilings, Sharing, Fears

    When Ethan looks under the bed for his monster, he finds a note instead. How will Ethan ever get to sleep without his monster’s familiar, comforting snorts? Just when it seems that Ethan will lose his monster forever, an uninvited, tutu-toting little monster full of frightening fun appears.

    Parent Guide: https://www.storylineonline.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/HeyThatsMyMonster_FamilyActivityGuide.pdf