Center for Early Literacy Learning
This PDF explains how parents can support their child’s learning as early as infancy by providing them opportunities to scribble and draw.
Center for Early Literacy Learning
This PDF explains how parents can support their child’s learning as early as infancy by providing them opportunities to scribble and draw.
Reading Rockets
This webpage features a series of Q&A videos where experts answer questions from families and caregivers on supporting children’s literacy. Specifically, answers on how to actively support writing development in children’s literacy.
Great Schools
Watch fourth graders using graphic organizers to take notes about a topic and its supporting details. Useful ideas for teaching how to cite evidence from text and how to prepare for writing their essays.
Great Schools
See second graders writing a simple topic sentence and concluding sentence, and a main body with examples. They also revise and edit their writing.
Read these tips from teachers on how children can improve their spelling skills.
Great Schools
This video shows you fifth graders using graphic organizers to take notes about a topic and its supporting details. Watch these kids cite and sort evidence from multiple sources and organize information in an outline to write their essays.
Great Schools
See third graders writing a simple topic sentence and concluding sentence, and a main body with examples. They also revise and edit their writing.
Reading Rockets
Use these cards to promote conversations about reading with your child.
Great Schools
See how middle schoolers can use graphic organizers to take notes about a topic and its supporting details. Watch these kids cite and sort evidence from multiple sources and organize information in an outline to write their essays.
Great Schools
Paper See how high schoolers write an essay with a strong thesis and supporting examples. You can expect complex ideas and studentsŠ—È analyses to show their understanding.
Institute of Education Sciences
This practice guide makes recommendations for teaching elementary writing and summarizes the evidence‐base for each recommendation.
Reading is Fundamental
This tip sheet by Reading is Fundamental provides tips for using journals, artwork, and other writing materials to encourage children's writing.
Just Read, Florida!
Created by Just Read, Florida! this one‐pager provides a criteria for you to review your childŠ—Ès writing and a way for your child to address your feedback.
Get Ready to Read!
These 36 activity cards from Get Ready to Read! are fun, engaging, child‐friendly early literacy activities to try with 3‐ to 5‐year‐olds. The activities are organized by skill level and type of skill Š—– in the areas of print knowledge, emergent writing, and linguistic awareness. Each activity card states which specific skill the activity addresses
Reading is Fundamental
Information is provided by Reading is Fundamental on the stages through which young children progress in learning to write‐‐from scribbling to using letters to representing sounds in words.
Just Read, Florida!
This infographic explains the differences and commonalities between revising and editing writing.
National Center for Learning Disabilities
These 36 skill‐building activity cards are designed for use with an individual preschool child. Print all the cards as a set or pick individual activities. The activities are organized by skill level and type of skill Š—– in the areas of print knowledge, emergent writing, and linguistic awareness.ξEach activity card states which specific skill the activity addresses.
Reading is Fundamental
This Reading is Fundamental resource offers background information about childrenŠ—Ès stages of learning how to write and spell and ideas to support children's early efforts to express themselves on paper.
Just Read, Florida!
This resource highlights six traits of writing, from the Read like a Writer strategy, that will help your child learn from read texts and develop better writing skills.
National Center for Learning Disabilities
These downloadable word lists, pictures, and other resources ensure thatξfamilies have the tools they need to use the Get Ready to Read! activity cards at home with their preschooler. Resources are available for twelve ofξits most popular activities.