Doing What Works
A video that provides an overview of interventions that can be taken to help aid those who are struggling with reading. Shows different levels of interventions based on individual needs of each kid.
Doing What Works
A video that provides an overview of interventions that can be taken to help aid those who are struggling with reading. Shows different levels of interventions based on individual needs of each kid.
What Works Clearinghouse
This practice guide provides four evidence-based recommendations that teachers can use to deliver reading interventions to meet the needs of their students.
International Dyslexia Association (IDA):
Explanation accommodations and modifications as well as a a list of examples for students with Dyslexia.
The Center on Instruction
This publication can inform the design, delivery, and use of evidence‐based interventions with students, including those with disabilities, who struggle with mastering todays rigorous reading, literacy, social studies, science and mathematics standards.
Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform
You can use this rubric to evaluate teacher preparation and training programs focused on improving literacy instruction for students with multiple and severe disabilities.
Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform
Use this matrix to evaluate teacher preparation and professional development programs in the area of evidence‐based reading instruction for Grades K‐5.
Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform
Use this matrix to evaluate teacher preparation and training programs in the area of evidence‐based reading instruction for adolescents in Grades 6‐12.
Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform
Complete the activities in this module to learn evidenced‐based approaches to reading instruction and assessment.
Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform
Watch a video in which Dr. Don Deshler discusses how teachers can balance the need for foundational reading instruction with the need to teach content and disciplinary literacy strategies.
Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk
This resource provides practitioners and parents with links to many resources for addressing low literacy levels among adolescents, including the IRIS Center at Vanderbilt University, MCPER, and the Center on Instruction. Evidence‐based practices are also highlighted.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
This user‐guide for selecting reading lessons addresses key reading skills and instructional principles that can help intensify and individualize reading instruction.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
View an example of how standards‐aligned instruction for phonemes and phonological awareness can be taught across the continuum of the multi‐tiered system of support (MTSS) framework.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
View an example of how standards‐aligned instruction for decoding can be taught across the continuum of the MTSS framework.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
View an example of how standards‐aligned instruction for fluency can be taught across the continuum of the MTSS framework.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
View an example of how standards‐aligned instruction for vocabulary can be taught across the continuum of the MTSS framework.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
View an example of how standards‐aligned instruction for comprehension can be taught across the continuum of the MTSS framework.
Doing What Works
Dr. Don Deshler describes the characteristics of research‐based, explicit, comprehension strategy instruction for adolescents, including modeling, scaffolding, and opportunities for practice in a variety of contexts.
The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk
This flyer describes how dyslexia can look in middle schoolers.
U.S. Department of Education
This PowerPoint slide deck from two nationally recognized experts and a classroom teacher who presented at the 2022 OSEP Leader and Project Directors’ Conference provides information on what comprehensive literacy instruction looks like for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
IRIS Center
Don Deshler, Professor of Special Education and Director of the Center for Research on Learning at the University of Kansas, discusses some of the challenges related to addressing the reading needs of academically diverse students in content-area classes.