Arkansas Department of Education
This webpage links to Arkansas’ state literacy plan, which is described and implemented via several online resources.
Arkansas Department of Education
This webpage links to Arkansas’ state literacy plan, which is described and implemented via several online resources.
Arizona Department of Education
This webpage links to Arizona’s state literacy plan, which is described and implemented via several online resources.
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
This document provides an overview of how Alaska aims to promote literacy from birth to graduation.
Alabama Department of Education
This document provides an overview of how Alabama aims to promote literacy from birth to graduation.
Alabama Department of Education
This document provides an overview of Alabama’s English Language Arts standards.
Doing What Works
Use this template with state education agencies to facilitate conversations about setting a policy climate for improving practices at the district and state level.
Doing What Works
Use this template with districts to translate research-based recommendations into practical policies and activities.
Doing What Works
For working with schools on a set of options that can be implemented at the school level for improving practice, including scheduling, professional development, policies, and so forth.
REL Southeast
To assist you in helping families support literacy, the Georgia Department of Education partnered with the Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast to create a suite of grade-specific Teacher’s Guides that certified teachers can use with families to encourage and facilitate literacy support for children at home.
Center on Teaching and Learning (CTL)
A PDF to help conduct a critical supplemental and intensive reading program review for local selection and adoption.
Center on Teaching and Learning (CTL)
A PDF to help schools conduct a critical core reading program review for local selection and adoption.