What Works Clearinghouse
This practice guide provides four evidence-based recommendations that teachers can use to deliver reading interventions to meet the needs of their students.
What Works Clearinghouse
This practice guide provides four evidence-based recommendations that teachers can use to deliver reading interventions to meet the needs of their students.
Center on Technology and Disability
Resources aimed to support English learners (ELs) with individualized instruction that cover general instructional practices, MTSS, special education considerations, implementation strategies, and support for family involvement.
Center on Technology and Disability
Supports for English learners (ELs) with disabilities, particularly in virtual or hybrid learning. As schools transition back to in-person instruction, these materials aim to support learning recovery and enhance support systems for ELs with disabilities.
Reading Rockets
This website emphasizes the significance of research-backed methods in teaching reading. Explains how evidence-based practices are effective in fostering literacy skills and provides guidance for educators and parents to make informed decisions based on scientific research.
The Center on Instruction
This guide assists K-3 teachers in using the Instructional Routines within the Empowering Teachers section of the Florida Center for Reading Research website. The guide describes the Instructional Routines (IRs) and how teachers can use them to differentiate reading instruction in small groups.
The Center on Instruction
This publication can inform the design, delivery, and use of evidence‐based interventions with students, including those with disabilities, who struggle with mastering todays rigorous reading, literacy, social studies, science and mathematics standards.
The Center on Instruction
An introduction to and overview of the methods and results of the report and implications for practice.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
This user‐guide for selecting reading lessons addresses key reading skills and instructional principles that can help intensify and individualize reading instruction.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
This lesson may be used to supplement reading instruction on building automaticity with letter sounds.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
This lesson on building automaticity with letter sounds may be used to supplement reading instruction to meet student needs.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
This lesson on letter sounds may be used to supplement reading instruction to meet student needs.
National Center on Intensive Interventions
View an example of how standards‐aligned instruction for fluency can be taught across the continuum of the MTSS framework.
This comprehensive guide is a must‐have for LEA's seeking to imrpove their use of evidence‐based practices.
Achieve the Core
This guide outlines the essential instructional components to teach early reading skills. It is intended to provide teachers with best practices to support the explicit teaching of foundational skills: print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, and fluency.
The U.S. Department of Education
Forty‐five ideas to help children read well and independently by the end of third grade.
The Center on Instruction
This document is based on an analysis that determined the sub-skills students need to achieve each foundational skill.
In this video, Dr. Barbara Foorman, Director of the Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast, explains what a logic model is and how it may be used in implementing evidence-based literacy practices.
U.S. Department of Education
This PowerPoint slide deck from two nationally recognized experts and a classroom teacher who presented at the 2022 OSEP Leader and Project Directors’ Conference provides information on what comprehensive literacy instruction looks like for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Florida Center for Reading Research
This comprehensive guide is a must-have for SEA’s seeking to improve their use of evidence-based practices.
The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk
This guide is organized by commonly experienced challenges (e.g., lack of modeling) to teachers implementing evidence-based adolescent literacy practices with fidelity.