Doing What Works
A diagram that shows effective ways to prepare students for sucess in literacy development. The two suggest ways is through manipulation of sound and interactive engagement in child reading.
Doing What Works
A diagram that shows effective ways to prepare students for sucess in literacy development. The two suggest ways is through manipulation of sound and interactive engagement in child reading.
Florida Center for Reading Research
This infographic provides tips for your child to read more.
Center for Early Literacy Learning
This mini‐poster provides parents with simple ways to incorporate literacy into daily meals and snack routines.
Doing What Works
View the log that Tempe uses to help mentors work with preschool teachers to reflect on the results of classroom observations.
Center for Early Literacy Learning
This mini‐poster provides parents with simple ways to incorporate literacy into neighborhood walk routines.
Doing What Works
This list includes storybooks that lend themselves to interactive reading strategies. Tempe';s principal investigator explains how to select books for interactive reading in Selecting Books for Interactive Reading.
Center for Early Literacy Learning
This mini‐poster provides parents with simple ways to incorporate literacy into outdoor fun routines.
Doing What Works
Set up a staff development meeting or series of training sessions to review the “Learn What Works”� resources for phonological awareness using these discussion questions.
U.S. Department of Education
This infographic outlines phonological awareness and interactive and dialogic reading practices.
Doing What Works
The Portales preschool program uses this framework to organize information about phonological awareness skills as explained by the program';s principal investigator in Phonological Awareness: A Sequential Approach.
Just Read, Florida!
This infographic shows how the number of minutes a child reads each day adds up and helps make a child a better reader.
Doing What Works
This PowerPoint presentation shows how administrators use evaluation data to identify needed changes and plan professional development. The approach is discussed in the Using Evaluation Data to Improve Teaching audio interview.
Just Read, Florida!
This resource highlights three keys to selecting books a child will want to pick up and read along with tips for choosing age‐appropriate books for children ages 6+
Doing What Works
Consider using this list of resource books prepared by the Syracuse Early Reading First program. These staff development resources support teachers in planning phonological awareness activities.
Just Read, Florida!
This infographic explains the differences and commonalities between revising and editing writing.
Doing What Works
This visual diagram can be used to engage preschool teachers in discussion about their early literacy instruction.
Just Read, Florida!
Use these eight thinking strategies good readers use when they read.
Doing What Works
Use these parent guides to describe the RtI framework and components and team meetings to discuss student progress.
Doing What Works
This diagram serves as a visual overview of four recommended practices based on the Improving Adolescent Literacy Practice Guide. The diagram can be used by presenters or professional developers to orient their audience to the central practices and recommendations in the Adolescent Literacy topic.
Doing What Works
This guide from the Pennsylvania Department of Education provides a short description of potential funding sources for RtI components/activities.