National Center on Intensive Intervention
A pdf that provides examples of readin lessons for educators to use to achieve the best outcome in childs literacy.
National Center on Intensive Intervention
A pdf that provides examples of readin lessons for educators to use to achieve the best outcome in childs literacy.
Doing What Works
The RtI manual produced by the National Research Center on Learning Disabilities (NRCLD) includes a schoolwide screening section that outlines the features of universal screening, describes its significance, offers guidance on implementation, and provides tools and resource lists.
Reading Rockets
In this guide, families will find tips for helping children get the most out of reading, pointers on working with schools and teachers, great ideas for using your public library, computer tips, valuable Web site addresses, and more.
The IRIS Center
Read about some realistic fluency instruction scenarios and get some tips for how to deal with them.
U.S. Office of Special Education Programs
Read this brief to learn principles for providing professional development on improving literacy in a mulit‐tiererd framework, especially to English learners in grades K‐3.
National Center on Response to Intervention
This guide was developed to help parents and other family members understand the essential components of RTI (screening, progress monitoring, multi‐level prevention system, and data‐based decision making), ask questions about RTI, and understand how the RTI framework may be used to help their children succeed in school.
Partnership for Reading
This booklet describes ways for parents to help their first graders learn to read.
The IRIS Center
Read about some realistic writing instruction scenarios and get some tips for how to deal with them.
This comprehensive guide is a must‐have for LEA's seeking to imrpove their use of evidence‐based practices.
National Center on Response to Intervention
Read a guide that helps middle school parents and other family members understand the essential components of RTI (screening, progress monitoring, multi‐level prevention system, and data‐based decision making), ask questions about RTI, and understand how the RTI framework may be used to help their children succeed in school.
Partnership for Reading
This booklet describes ways for parents to help their second and third graders learn to read.
Parent Education Network of Pennsylvania
This resource by Parent Education Network of Pennsylvania gives practical tips for parents and families on how to support your childŠ—Ès reading development during the preschool years to 3rd grade.
Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk
This resource provides practitioners and parents with links to many resources for addressing low literacy levels among adolescents, including the IRIS Center at Vanderbilt University, MCPER, and the Center on Instruction. Evidence‐based practices are also highlighted.
National Center for Families Learning
Read a guide that provides tips on how to grow reading skills from birth to age eight. The guide will help parents keep their shared learning activities with their children fun and part of their everyday routine.
Partnership for Reading
This booklet describes ways for parents to help their kindergarteners get ready to read.
Kansas Department of Education
This resource by the Kansas Department of Education provides a definition and overview of Multi‐tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in the state; describes how it helps support a childŠ—Ès literacy development, and how a parent can support your childŠ—Ès literacy development at home.
Kentucky Department of Education
This handbook provides an overview of how schools in Kentucky can implement dyslexia screening and intervention.
National Center for Families Learning
Read a guide that provides tips on how to grow reading skills from birth to age eight in Spanish. The guide will help parents keep their shared learning activities with their children fun and part of their everyday routine.
Partnership for Reading
This booklet describes ways for parents to help their preschoolers get ready to read.
U.S. Department of Education
This practice guide offers educators specific evidence‐based recommendations for teaching writing in elementary school.